Friday, February 8, 2013

Thinking if Biggie can make it through it, man then I can.

I've been reading my posts from April/May 2010, just trying to figure out how long everything took me.

A couple of highlights:


"When people ask me advice on how to handle a situation or just what to do, they are often surprised when they hear my response: 'What are you trying to accomplish?' There is a subtle wisdom in slowing for a moment and reflecting on what exactly you are doing"

-Patrick Chapin, Next Level Magic

I weighed two hundred and thirteen pounds.


Got elected to captain for the first time. Kind of weird looking back on the fact that I didn't captain until my senior year.

I ran or walked everyday for a long time. Every. Day.

I grew up a lot in those couple of months, and I think I need to grow up a lot in these couple of months.

Gotta remember: Probably won't die, I've dealt with worse, if Biggie can make it through it, man then I can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Long time no speak, sounds like you are going through some sticky stuff. Best of luck to you buddy.