Friday, November 26, 2010

The second verse for my dawgs workin' nine to five that still hustle 'cause a nigga can't shine off 6.55.

(Grab bag post!)

I have been very into little goals lately.

It is quite a daunting task to lose sixty pounds in a year. It is a daunting task to lose five pounds in a month. It is a daunting task to lose a pound a week. It is a daunting task to eat well every day. It is an easy task to drink water THIS meal.

Little goals are easy. It is easy to make yourself do one small thing one time. It is rewarding too -- you accomplished a goal! The best part is, when you finish a bunch of little goals, they get you to a bigger one. One does not think about getting ten completions in a row for Go-To, they think about making a hard fake, a hard cut, and running all the way through. One thinks about having a balanced stance, a tight grip, and completing their throwing motion.

The college frisbee year has three real seasons. Fall, pre-sectionals, and sectionals. We are entering pre-sectionals. The goal of this season to to emerge with the team most prepared for the sectionals season. This places an emphasis on health (mental and physical) and conditioning. What good is one for the big dance if they are banged up, a headcase, or can't run at game speed for the whole practice? This is where everyone learns their role and their position. This is where one levels up their conditioning.

Coming out of the fall, Gunx has something to prove. We've shown flashes of greatness, we've gotten our name out there, and we've got a crop of freshman that by any measure rivals any class we've had to date. Now is the time to show everyone that we are the real deal.

My goal is not to try my best. My goal is not to go to regionals. My goal is not to be the best player on the team. My goal is to play perfect ultimate. This is the easiest, most direct goal to what one wants to accomplish. If one plays perfect ultimate, there is no better way to increase that person's chances of winning a game or tournament.

Sorry for the complete lack of transitions or complete ideas, but better to have blagged poorly than not blagged at all.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

"We don't care what people say."

Once again, Tom made my bed most righteously.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Dr. Dre, don't just stand there, operate!

Taking a week off from ultimate is doing my body some good. Hitting this frigid ground ten times a practice takes a toll on ones voluptuous breasts.

At least I'm laying out without thinking.

I wasn't a defensive liability for the first time in my career last weekend. Felt pretty sweet to run down a pull when it actually mattered.

I always feel awkward when kids compliment me in-game because I usually am in the murder-mindset, not the flirting one. Probably why I didn't get a number from any of those Wesleyan kids.

I've learned how to get myself locked into a game, where I can play every point like its universe, but it hinders my ability when I am off the field to make adjustments and decisions. I just get so locked in that I can't take all the information in. The next step is learning how to turn it on and off so I can be a captain off the field and a baller on.

According to the scale I haven't lost a pound in two weeks, but it doesn't feel like that. Either way, I'm buckling down because I HAVE to hit 160 before sectionals. Corn Rows just don't look the same with a belly.

I figure that if I bike for 300 calories a day, that only takes an hour (from when I leave to after I shower), and that is over a pound every two weeks. That alone should get me pretty far.

Almost beat Bowser tonight, but he was doing some crazy three-ball shit and I just packed it up for some Diet Pepsi, dino food, and Force Unleashed II.

Hope you have as good a night as I am!

Monday, November 15, 2010

I might wear black for a year straight

A good, but not great, end to the fall season.

Spring season starts today!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Determination, dedication, motivation

Want to know a way to prove that our win at Witch's Teat was legitimate?

Sunday, November 14th, 11:40am, A1 vs. A2.

All I am thinking about is beating Marist. Every step, every rep, every push-up, every forehand huck.

I don't care how many games they've won this season. I don't care who is showing up this weekend. I don't care about how good Robbie Kohler is. I don't care who marks me. I don't care who they put on Tom.

All I care about is showing them who the best team in this rivalry is.