Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Gimmie da loot

Might post again/edit later, but I had to say 195.4 before I forgot.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The Bends

Today was pretty unproductive. Woke up and felt like a sack of potatoes. I raked for a bit and walked the dogs, but no running. Ate a lot, but not all too poorly (all tasty salads and tuna) so we're in alright shape. I've been really into water today; hopefully the trend continues.

I think the day of recovery will be good for me, both at league tomorrow and for the upcoming weekend of booze and disc. I recover slowly, and one day usually isn't enough for me, so I am banking on today giving me a headstart into it. It is difficult to balance the desire to push to lose weight and the desire to rest up for a tournament, but I think as long as I push really hard at the tournament it is a fine trade.

Tomorrow I am getting back in my game. Smart decisions, favoring in-cuts, aggressive on the dump cuts, a powerful forehand, and hard D. This team did not draft me to jack it deep every third touch. I had focused so much on improving my weaknesses that I had forgotten my strengths.

Weighed in at 196.6, which is the lowest I've been since Freshman year. And I suddenly have biceps.

Baby steps.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Things done Changed

Nothing like running savage at social league to get your head straight.

Coming later:

Two miles
Dog walking

and a tasty salad.

Tasty salads

I have lost all confidence in my forehand huck.

I have too much confidence in my backhand huck.

I only ran two miles today.

I need to buy one of those towel things that the cool Quarterbacks wear because my money hand gets way too sweaty.

I am not as fast as I thought I was.

I cannot run for as long as I thought I could.

I can't box out like I thought I could.

I made a really tasty salad.

What have you learned today?

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sure do, two .22's in my shoes

Highlight of today was running; it was pretty easy. 3 miles, felt less tired than the 2-milers last week.

Lowlights include being hung-over, buck doubles, dinosaur food, and hot dogs. Pushups were just really hard and I don't know why.

All in all, not the worst Sunday.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Didn't listen to music today

Not much to say tonight.

198.6. Ran two miles, very sore from yesterdays pushups. League tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


My vitamins

taste so fucking gross.

P.S. Weighday tomorrow.

P.P.S. 5 Pushups, 4 Calves, 3 Excruciators. Stay busy.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

That's a great word, intricate.

I'll keep this one concise:

Remove the phrase "I don't feel like it" from your vocabulary. You have to be honest with yourself -- do not try to get around this by making reasons to not do something. You are only hurting yourself. You are only lying to yourself.

Passed up a eighth-joint yesterday. Ran three miles yesterday, two today. Added calf raises to my nightly routine. Officially off Four LOKO until I see Officer Judge again.

Stay busy, stay workin'.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

LIVE from David's bed!

More to come, but,

"All the time spent bashing your fellow player could instead be spent critiquing your own game and improving as a result"

-- Conley Woods,

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A lot of times we use the word "bitch"

Back to the grind today. Played a lot of points in very hot weather today, we went 5/2 and had two guy subs, one girl sub. I hucked it way too much -- even though sometimes I can rip a full field flick it is far from accurate or consistent, so I should look for in-cuts more until we move down the field a bit. Regardless, I put up some big shots from both sides with and against the wind, got open pretty easily, and stuck with my dude while poaching the lane a bit.

Walked two small laps today and ate a good bit too much, but not bad for a first day back.

I did sixty pushups and boy did they hurt.

We'll see how I feel tomorrow, but I definitely feel in worse shape today than I did a week ago.

Monday, July 5, 2010

"You want to try your Mono-White lifegain deck? Don't mind the haters. Those that have abandoned their dreams will always discourage yours. Never be afraid to try something new. The Ark was built by an amateur. The Titanic was built by professionals. Whether branching out in writing style or finally trying your hand at Mono-Red aggro, getting out of your safety zone is a sure-fire recipe for experience. It may not bring you the trophy or the paycheck today, but a life filled with experience is sure to make you strong, and those things are drawn to strength of character like a magnet. It isn't enough to learn on a theoretical level. If you don't have the courage to apply the wisdom, it is for naught.

At the same time, it does not serve us to be so hard-headed that we find ourselves attached to an idea that we can't see past it. Let go of your preconceived notions, even the things you think you need. Tell me what you need and I'll tell you how to get by without it. No one seems to get your idea? The fact that no one understands you or your idea doesn't make you an artist. In fact, every kid is an artist. The trick is figuring out how to stay an artist when you "grow up," (or in Magic terms, when you get serious about tournament play). Do what inspires you. Create that which you find beautiful. Do what you love."

Friday, July 2, 2010


Drank at summer league, but played one of my better games yet. Was very aggressive on the handle, put up some big flicks, got position on someone with a big hight advantage and got the D, and played cup for a zone point.

I had a Watermelon JOOSE tonight, but I still did sixty pushups. Win some, lose some.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


  • We are going to win those jerseys.
  • Today will be my third consecutive day of double pushups.
  • I jumped really high in the hallway today.
  • My ankles aren't sore.
  • 197 on the dot.

How was your day?