Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mixed Signals

What'd we have for the track workout Thursday? 13?

We had 6 for Snertz. Well, 8 showed up, but 2 weren't willing to do Snertz.

And we didn't do Snertz.
That's not saying I'm not the type of guy who doesn't enjoy Mini. Fuck, I love it. But switching plans like that last minute due to public outcry is not the type of consistancy we need. I would love for us to plan to play mini twice a week, but I'm really not a fan of last-minute switches like that. 

Regardless, it definitely got me amped to play. I fully plan on being the most hungover person alive on Sunday, but I also plan on being the most amped person alive for Mini during Sunday afternoon. There is a reason why the game starts at 6 -- So I can play mini and have plenty of time to rehydrate and unstink in time for the drunken festivites round 2. 

Mini went pretty well. David's team cleaned house until Ben showed up, then our team cleaned house until the end of the night when David's team decided to at least make an effort to throw before being stalled out and finished the night on top.

 Playing to -2 is crazy, You get two possessions to score if you're getting pulled to, although just scoring one then puts the pressure on the other team to score or lose. 

Hammers are too good and need to be outlawed. No wind = full-mini-field-hammers-from-Doober, and that just shouldn't be allowed.  It's hard enough to stop an upline cut as is, let alone having to worry about Thor dropping a hammer into the corner. 

Stall 5 seems a little short, but I'm not really sure if it's supposed to feel short. It makes it a lot tougher to win if you're getting pulled to, but I guess it balances out with the fact that you can literally huck the field whenever. Tiny enzones balance that out too.

I just read Star City's old Rizzo articles for an hour and a half instead of finishing this. /win

I might go to the gym today, but my calves are saying no.  I think I am going to  err on the side of caution, especially with me mad dropping the mad cash for indoor on Tuesday. Can't dissappoint my fans with a sub-par performance. It's also the TD's Maiden Voyage. 

Fuck conclusions.

Saturday, January 24, 2009


The below post and the previous post have nothing to do with anyone but the top.

It is not Chichester's fault that conditioning is something that is being treated like babysitting, with attendance rules and options that make it easy to get by on minimal effort. Oh, you don't like running? Don't worry, here's 5000 different options to make sure you can get your incredibly difficult two gym visits a week counted for.  Have too much school work? I'm sure you'll be excused to just not go to the gym.  Train different muscles for a different sport and you'll see a vast improvement in your game. 

Oneonta won't call mismatch on you when we're playing them either, they know just how much you don't like running.  They'll say "Oh, this is the team that rock-climbs for conditioning, let's move over to that rock-face over there and continue". I also hear that they're moving Ultimate to more of a Water-Polo type sport, so I guess all the running I had been doing kinda went to waste. Unless you subscribe to the same school of thought that the conditioning captains do, and I'll keep on running for a water-sport.

This, like practice was treated last semester, is not something that you want to put a "You need X practices or else" on. That's the easy way out. That rewards people for showing up and giving minimal effort. That tells people "All you need to do is show up for X practices and you are ready for tournaments." Putting a number of practices or conditionings they need to attend sends the message that once they attend that many, they don't need to go to anymore. They are set. Once Springtime rolls around that will be enough. That's incorrect. It won't be enough. Especially when their twice a week can be Intermural Floor-Hockey practice, which judging by how much conditioning a club sport (us) does, I am baffled at how that counts as conditioning. 

 Don't give them the excuse "Oh I have class so I was excused from practice." No. You didn't go to practice, you didn't work as hard as someone else who did. I registered a month late for classes and the latest I'm out is 420 and the earliest I start is 1050, AND I have two extra days off a week, so it's not like you can't make it work.  When someone doesn't show up for practice, they didn't show up for practice, regardless of the excuse. They missed out on content and conditioning. When you are playing in a tournament, the other team won't say "Whoa Big Red, don't burn that slow kid over there, he had class every Tuesday/Friday and couldn't make it to practice so he doesn't know how to play deep in a zone." No, they'll just burn you all day and we'll be left wondering why we can't stop it. 

I really don't understand how when people claim to know so much about conditioning and working out and they say you're allowed to rock-climb or swim or go to intermural floor-hockey practice instead. I might ask if I can play DotA for conditioning because it conditions my mind to think fast. 

I don't know of an easy solution to figure out who's going that is similar to "X practices a week." Quite frankly, I don't really care. This isn't school. People who want to work will show up. People who don't won't show up. I think I know who I want on the line with me.

Friday, January 23, 2009


I'm really excited to be on a team full of all-star swimmers and rock-climbers. Hopefully we can get some floor-hockey players while we're at it. Running isn't really that big of a part of the game anyways. 


There is a difference between "Lifting" and "Working out".

Sunday, January 4, 2009


We really need some serious gym space come second semester. As much as I love running in rather large circles (k ovals), I really love bidding. Basketball court surface is annoying, but that's something I can deal with; all the scars and cuts on my body make me look both tough and tuff, which is a clear +2 to my CHA score. 

Yeah, I used a semicolon. What of it. Probably a run on sentence. What of it.

I am very angry with myself. I ran out of asthma meds at school and didn't consider it a priority. Since then I have went home -- aka the dust.  So,  since I got back from school breathing has been a bit difficult. I just got my meds yesterday, but they take at least a week to really start kicking, so I can't run for a week. That puts me pretty far behind on not being out of shape. Calves/crunches/push ups only do so much.  I'm probably gonna try to run on Monday, something small to see if I can live through it. 

Not that I'm making excuses. Oops.

Not throwing is going to be the worst part of this break. I don't have Tom to text me at 4am to show up in the quad to throw. Hopefully the turf will be melted when we get back so I can give my hands frostbite and throw for a few hours. 

We need to get the team pumped up as soon as possible. We've got a ton of things to work on if we want to think about getting a win at sectionals, and I don't want to waste springtime weather with conditioning. 

I may or may not have recruited someone for next year. Well, she has to get into New Paltz, decide to go here, and then not do Spring track. Easy enough. Although she has no Ultimate experience, apparently she is fast. I'm going to start planning her recruitment weekend tomorrow to insure the latter two.  

As much as I don't want to go to school ever again, I just want to play disc again.

My blagging also gets a lot worse and a lot more repetitive when I'm at home.