Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Double Post

That workout destroyed me.

Single sessions tomorrow.

2nd semester

No fire, but double sessions has to count for something.

Egg sandwiches in the morning really get you through your day.

As do Women's Mutlivitamins.

About to be 4/4 on classes so far. Gotta be a world record.

Looking for cleats but probably just gonna get Speed TD's again, but one pair of 3/4's and 1 pair of normals.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


We need goals. Specific, attainable, reasonable goals.

Don't look at me, though.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

RA David and I tossed a bit last night. I threw with the elbow brace on for the first time and while it was a bit doofy it made my arm REALLY tired. We'll see how it goes. Time for more Wii fit!

Friday, January 15, 2010


I did some Wii Fit today.

Baby steps.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

I always have a problem with titles

Zero. Fire. Sir.

I'm trying, but not even the combined powers of Patrick Chapin and Arctic Monkeys can't turn it back on right now. At least I'm trying, though.

I am an excellent example of why you should never take time off.

Water (Everyone should)
Walk to class at least once a week
Actually learn how to throw
Blag everyday
Use tags when I blag
No boozing until Regionals
Rep' Creeperin

Only miss 1 class a week (combined)
Read for at least one class every day

Remember all the cards in a pack before passing it
Mulligan more (Everyone should)

Baby steps.