Sunday, January 30, 2011

I'm 'bout stackin bank, everyday

Things I learned at Adelphi:

1) Just because you have the throw doesn't mean you should make it.
2) I still can't catch outs.
3) We still have a long way to go.

Taking practice off tomorrow; I have a bruise resembling a gunshot wound in my right lovehandle. Hitting the bike pretty hard, though. I'd run, but I'm a bit weak in the knees. Rather get all healed up while I still can. Laying out indoors, even correctly, gets you pretty dinged up.

Also, Air Alert is legitimate.

Friday, January 21, 2011

And break it on down just a little once again

Finally finished a set of incline pushups on the level 2 chest. Got to literally the last double-crunch before failing, but boy did the entire workout hurt.

Practice on Monday. Be there.

Monday, January 17, 2011

We got nothin' to lose muthafucka we rollin'

Long time no blag.

No running. I suck.

But I can jump really high! I can touch the ceiling fan in my kitchen. Air Alert is legitimate. I have definitely added at least two inches to my vertical.

Literally just realized that I did Air Alert today and I wasn't supposed to. I think the safest option is to do it 4x this week. Either that or do Mon-Tues-Wed. Unsure. Leaning towards the latter.

Absolutely slayed level 2 abs. Perfection until halfway through Double Crunches. Such is life.

Level 2 chest killed me. It feels like I have never seen a bench press before. On the plus side, it will probably make me super strong.

I have found that if I eat when my body tells me to eat, and eat what it tell me to, that I do pretty well. Note that this is different than eating what I want to eat, as that would consist solely of Mountain Dew and Cheez-Itz, but what my body wants to eat. Might not be the greatest way to shed pounds, but boy do I feel jacked.

Pretty sure I actually flipped my sleep schedule back. Haven't slept yet, so we'll see.

Got glasses today, another Chichester visit tomorrow, and back to school on Saturday. An action packed week!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Everybody want it but it ain't that serious

Day 1 of Week 2 hurts more than Day 1 of Week 1.

Squat Hops might end me tomorrow.

Already did my push ups/abs, now to run.

See ya!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Extra bright I want ya'll to see this

Another three miles. MUCH easier than yesterday.

I am just going to run every day because, well, why not?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

It gon' take a lot more than coupons to get us saved

3 miles. Worth every penny.

Packers made the playoffs. What a day.