Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Quit worrying about what they do and do fuckin shady

I'm not going to take time off for my wrist so I have decided to pretend that it is not injured. I got to sixty pushups tonight after that little break.

Weekends are going to be (and have been) the toughest.

Played like someone who had a Four Loko the night before at league today. Went up and got a D, got scared of Squeege and didn't make a play for another, should have laid out to get another D, and should have laid out to get a mediocre pass to me. I still refuse to attack the field laterally when I have the disc. I ended up turfing one that I should have swung to a wide open handler who I looked off.

But I did throw a really far bad backhand to some fast kid. Before I point I told him to go be fast, I got trapped on the line and saw him clear deep and just put it up. We should do that more. I cleared out well and handled a lot again.

We won 15-13 in a hard fought game. They looked to beat us on paper and we were forced to throw out a bunch of shady lines but we gritted it out. This team has me really excited as everyone on the team is touching the disc a lot, getting to play a lot of points, and contributing.

I just need to make sure I stay on this grind.

P.S. My quads are toast and I don't know why.

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