Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Name keep poppin' up, Face keep poppin' up

Won our first social league game by something close to 13-3. The powerful handling trio of myself, Sonny, and Jeff Feldman will prove troublesome for other teams in the coming weeks. I played pretty average, but I sat out most of the second half because I felt like it. My throws were a bit off, but I have never been a strong wind-thrower so perhaps they were what they are. I did notice that I wasn't tired as easily, and I was the first one down on most pulls. I couldn't tell how well I was cutting because I had either really old people or really fat people covering me. I threw two pulls -- one I turfed about twenty yards out, the other went out of bound about ten yards outside the endzone.

I went to home depot today and moved a bunch of tile and paint.

Did my homework. Poorly.

Took Boris on the medium lap and he was pretty tired. I think at least one more day of that before going to the big lap again.

Tomorrow starts the "running when there is no league". Natasha will enjoy that.

I am getting bored of the constant one-liners but really, what else do you look for in a blag post.

I only got to 48 pushups tonight. Perhaps I am getting sore.

Early bedtime tonight. This 1pm wake up call is killing me.

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