I played a good amount in the 1st half today, probably 4 or 5 points out of 13, which is a lot for me, especially in competitive. I started out strong, getting a few crucial dumps off. I got open for a awesome one late in a stall count, then threw a pretty break almost completely horizontal that set up an easy toss for a point. I played pretty average in the 1st half otherwise, and during the 2nd I ghost-handed one and got completely burned on another and didn't really play again. On the other hand, my one pull was actually a good one and got pretty close to their endline with some good hangtime. Definitely one of my best ones EVAR.
We took half 8-5, got lazy and let them back in it, but pulled away after 11's to win 15-13, which puts us in 2nd place. The team is really meshing -- Zac is getting healthy and Eamonn is just turning into a complete animal. He was always on their best cutter today and played good defense and just got up for a bunch. I mean, he wasn't wearing sleeves today, but that can't be all of it. I ended up coaching Brian a bunch and he is turning into a monster. He turned a lot of heads on the last play of the game. He is just a physical specimen.
It seems like my schedule is to do work during the week and then not do work during the weekend, which is ever so close to just doing work all the time. I am not smoking nearly as much as I was even a week ago, but I can't seem to make sure I do pushups when I am on the road or when I drink. I didn't manage to stay sober for more then two days, but two days is better than nothing. I've gotten myself to where I want to be substance-wise during the semester so I want to see if I can trim down a bit because I know wherever I am now with partying I will be worse when school starts.
I didn't post my weight last week because I was embarrassed that I went back up to 201.4, but fuck that. I definitely lost weight and it was just an off day. I guess we will see on Wednesday.
My eating was getting a little iffy but my mom just bought chicken so we're back in action. I am going to ask her to teach me how to prep it so I can just make giant batches and eat BBQ chicken whenever I want, plus I'll know for next year too.
My plan at night is to drink gatorade until I am full.
I did sixty pushups today. I normally do fifty. I plan on continuing the trend.
Excruciator, bed.
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