Thursday, July 30, 2009

I didn't write this.

At some point over the weekend, someone asked the hypothetical question "Why are there so many terrible Magic players who think they’re good?" The answer, I think, is a combination of true incompetence and ego. There have actually been studies that show that individuals who perform well below the average on various tests tend to vastly overestimate their own abilities – individuals who test in the 12th percentile estimating their abilities to be in the 62nd percentile, for instance. Seemingly paradoxically, as their actual performance on the tests improves, their perception of their own abilities decreases – their increased knowledge about the subject allows them to recognize their limitations. Additionally, they are less able to recognize competence when they see it, whether in themselves or others. It’s called the Dunning-Kruger effect, and I’m certain it’s in full force among Magic players who think the game is based largely on luck.

-Brian Kibler

Just replace "Magic" with "Ultimate". If you want it to hit closer to home, replace "Magic" with "Everyone on GUNX"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
