Sunday, June 28, 2009

Everytime someone writes "Blog" I think they are spelling "Blag" wrong.

I don't think my last post was explained well enough.

Every person has strengths and weaknesses to their game. Enlightening, I know. There is no problem in recognizing what you're good at and what you're bad at, and in fact it is essential. The problem occurs when you become complacent (still funny) with what your strengths and weaknesses are.

I was having a problem trying to figure out why I was so bad in the past few weeks. I would walk off the field and be dumbfounded; I thought I had done everything correct and still played poorly. What I was failing to realize was that things I considered to be my strengths were not strong enough. I would analyze the point I had just played and say to myself "My throws were good, he just dropped it." I knew it was my fault but I couldn't figure out why.

I had dismissed my strengths as possible things I could be doing wrong. I'm clearing out wrong even though theory is one of my strongpoints. I could have gotten an assist if I could throw forehands into the wind, even though I have a good forehand. Just because you are good at something does not mean you are good enough.

Don't just say "Alright, I added fifteen yards to my backhand, time to learn something else." There is always room for improvement. The only time where there is no room for improvement is when you are perfect.

Similarly, you understand what you are bad at. I know I am bad a backhands and that I am slow. I ended up letting my playstyle be defined by what I cannot do. I just don't throw backhands. Because I never attempted a backhand, I didn't make a mistake. It didn't get to show up on my game report because it never happened. When I think over a point or a game and don't realize that my backhand is bad, I don't practice it. It becomes something "I just don't do." I simply focused on my forehand.

The only perfect goal is perfection. Everything else is subjective. "I want to be the best" is a trap of a goal. By definition being the best is just being better than everyone else, and we all know people's skill levels vary. Because of that you do not have a concrete goal. You can do a pro/con list and figure out why you are "better" than someone else or you already have a "good" backhand. Perfection is a definite. You can't argue with perfection. Either you are or you aren't. You can't make excuses against perfect.

If your goal is to be perfect, you will be motivated until you are perfect.

I'm gonna eat goldfish and read starcity now.

PS - E.Herbst thread needs some work.

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