Friday, May 22, 2009

Fuck Titles

DISCLAIMER -- This was supposed to release right after College Smollege, but I decided to not fail out. Sorry. 

DOUBLE DISCLAIMER -- This is probably not all that accurate and far from comprehensive. Eat it.

TRIPLE DISCLAIMER WHAT UP -- The formatting is weird at the end of this. Blame Blagger, not me.

I'd cover this weekend(College Smollege), but Ben covered it pretty accurately, although a bit too optimistic in my opinion. He only missed my layout-save of a garbage bag on the field, that the guy from Oneonta not only pants'd himself, but double-pants'd himself to fully reveal his everything, and my failure to use a beer-helmet. Such is life.

As far as I know, year two of GUNX ultimate is over, aside from some possible scrimmage/party/pub-date with Marist. To my recollection, I did not attend a tournament where we had more than 1 win(RPI, which I didn't attend, might have had 2). 

The team has made great strides in year 2, although our tournament record suggests that we just went to a lot of tournaments. What we lost in true Division III athletes (Zephyer and Benjy) we gained in dedication from our current Freshman class, which composed roughly half of our sectionals roster.  What we lost in experience (Kerry) we gained in blagging (too many). Practices ran more smoothly than the year prior, although still with room for improvement. 

Listing strong and weak points player by player would take more time than someone with a life or a passing GPA has. Lucky for you, I have neither. 

In alphabetical order, sectionals roster. By alphabetical order, I mean I don't know my alphabet.

David "I mean we're talking about practice" Atwood
Strong -- Speed and agility, definitely has 19 in dex.  Can make almost any throw. Destroys cups like they are made of a weak material. Grows an angry beard that will fight you.
Weak -- Needs to improve defensive positioning to not get caught on deep cuts. Needs to not be Thor.  Needs to look to complete the swing and dump more. Needs to improve vertical to not be outmatched against average height people.

Ben "The Forumla" Campbell
Strong -- Hucks, very powerful. Tall, very tall. Old man throw, very old. Moustache, very creepy. Forehands look like backhands. Backhands look like missiles.  Can make almost any throw.
Weak -- Aggressiveness, both in the air and defensively. Needs to rein in hucks to a reasonable amount. Needs to learn to jump to fully utilize height and lank. 

John "2x4" Chichester
Strong -- Wiley, very wily. Might have the fastest straight line speed on the team. Is a pirate. Denies cup crashing like he really dislikes cup crashing. Will literally donate a appendage to get acallahan. 
Weak -- Needs to either think more or less to improve catching. Needs to work on footwork both defensively and offensively to utilize his straight-line speed. Needs to do agility drills. Needs to improve pivot to improve throwing form; needs to improve throws.

Brian "That's not the point" John Collis
Strong -- Can make almost any throw on the field. Lank + Ups = Crazy delicious.  His scoobersover cups make me want to tan on the quad with him. Straight line speed and cutting ability lets him play any position on the field. 
Weak -- Needs to improve mental game to not get psyched out when down; if he plays at his highest intensity all game, he is a man-beast. Must learn to balance his  play style betweenhuckmaster and conservativemaster. 

Bridget "Clap clap clapclapclap" Conrad
Strong -- Can make almost any throw on the field. When on top of her game can rein in her ability to throw deep with the knowledge not to.  Has the knowledge to play any position the field. 
Weak -- When coming off injury is critically slow; is so slow that she cannot keep up with a guy/get open vs. a guy.  Needs to improve athleticism to be able to capitalize on her excellent throws.

Bradley "Bro Chill" Gorfien
Strong -- Has excellent closing speed. Is bro chill. Can make the long throw
Weak -- Needs to either think more or less to improve catching. Needs to get a library card to improve reading skills. Needs to develop short throws. Needs to improve acceleration and agility in order to make devastating in-cuts off his deep-cuts. 

And Owen Hayden
Strong -- Uses his size to his advantage; will create good positioning. When practiced, can make almost any throw on the field. Knows how to time his jump to maximize chance of making a play.
Weak -- Needs to better recognize foul calls. Needs to understand his role on the field and team in order to maximize his skill. 

Eli "Matzah Boy" Herbst
Strong -- Straight-line speed is excellent. Will want to win more than most anyone. LovesMatzah. 
Weak -- Needs to either think more or less to improve catching. Needs to get a library card to improve reading skills. Needs to dedicate more time outside of the game to make throws more consistent. 

Scott "Nickname" Kuhner
Strong -- Can make a good breakmark throw on command. Ups are to be feared, as are his calves. Has excellent field awareness allowing him to make plays on the disc, especially defensively.  Has luscious locks of beautiful flowy hair. 
Weak -- Needs to improve knowledge of the game in order to improve offensive positioning and help-ability on defense. Needs to improve straight-line speed to be able to truly be a defensive man-beast. 

Stephen "Nachreiner" Mackreiner
Strong -- Straight-up athletic. Could be a model. Is actually the hulk. Sweet flow when with certain other players.  Has competent throws for a cutter. 
Weak -- Needs to find flow with all handlers.  Throws could use work. Needs to be more aggressive in several areas -- in the air on defense and offense, as well as using speed for deep cuts. 

Ellen "Witch" Mullen
Strong -- Is tall. Esp. for a girl. Reads swings and throws well to get into position to make the next cut.
Weak -- Needs to improve defensive positioning to not get beat deep. Needs to either think more or 
less in order to improve catching. Needs to improve throws. 

Tom "Too Tall" O'Malley
Strong -- Is tall. 2nd best beard on the team. Has good throws. Has excellent flow with certain 
members of the team. Has a good grasp on basic ultimate theory and thus can play most positions 
on the field.
Weak -- Needs to improve field-vision to become a solid handler. Needs to improve acceleration
in order to set up his deep cut. Needs to improve conditioning.

Charlie "The Hammer" Ostrander
Strong -- Has good throws, esp his namesake throw. Has excellent acceleration and agility to
make up for lack of deep speed. Has good knowledge of the game and thus can play any position.
Weak -- Needs to improve conditioning to play longer and more effectively. Needs to work on 
decision making and field-awareness.

Kelsey "Doesn't have a nickname either" Rey
Strong -- Sets up her cuts well letting her get open in and out. Makes all the easy catches and
some difficult ones. Has passable throws for a cutter.
Weak -- Needs to work on long speed in order to play open. Needs to read swings better.

Robert "A giant" Schemeitch
Strong -- I spelled his name right without looking. Is a giant. Uses size well on deep cuts.  
Knows the game well and knows how to play every position on the field. Can make almost any
throw on the field.
Weak -- Needs to work on Agility, Straight-Line Speed, and acceleration in order to get open 
as a cutter or handler. Needs to improve conditioning in order to play longer and more effectively.
Needs to have more confidence in his throws.

Mitch "Showboat" Scott
Strong -- Possesses excellent straight-line speed, acceleration, and agility. Is perhaps the 
most in-shape member on the team. Definitely the cutest. Has good break-mark throws. 
Throws are more than competent for a cutter. Has enough knowledge of the game to play any
position on the field. Can lay-out very well.
Weak -- Could use work on deep throws, especially since he will be open on the in cuts and will 
have no mark. Marking could use work. Needs to be more aggressive.

I'm bad at conclusions, but every person on the team needs to improve their throws, 
get faster, and improve their conditioning. Most importantly, people need to bring intensity to 
practice. Our game practice should be where our practices are, and it'll make our game intensity
that much higher.

I didn't do my player-profile. Help me out.


SCHEMS said...

1. you spelt my name wrong
2. I do not have any confiedence on the field, i make bad decisions and horrible throws
3. Ryan "Glue, re-Gift, Gift, Stonehands, Doobs" Dubosky
Strengths: Has excellent knollege of the game, monsterous flick, P:recisions throws, good cutting and will not give up on a disc
Weak: Cutting, Stamina/speed, backhand needs work, ups, you need them

The Chichester said...

Doober "Doobs" Dubosky:
S:probably the most competitive member of the team, throws well, bids well, will say what the team needs to hear without giving a fuck.
W:Beard could use a little filling out

The Chichester said...

also thanks for the tips. I'm gonna go play with the wombats tomorrow at 2

GUNX Ben said...

Mr. "reStonedoormousehandsGIFT" Dubowsky

Strong: Glue man. Brings intensity. Has solid throws. Will layout to save possesion. Cares about the team a damn sight more than a lot of people. Great at heckling. Best blagger on the team.

Improve: Lack of stamina prevents him from realizing his potential.
Needs to get the disc in power position and put it anywhere. Seriously, anywhere.

PS Needs to bring the practice attendance award back to the guilderland crew.

PPS Good at beards, needs to improve shaving confidence.

the hammer said...

Ryan "Stone Hands/Dormouse/Doober/Doobs/Sexy" Dubosky
Strenghts: Skullfucking, huge flick improvement, constantly huge smile, will lay out for anything anywhere, give the other team raging hard-ons(decreases wind resistance)
Weaknesses: Facial hair(intimidation), stamina to make long runs over and over, backhand distance

great overall player. could play anywhere on the field. the type of player you want on the field when the chips are down and your opponent drops a straight flush 9-K