Sunday, January 4, 2009


We really need some serious gym space come second semester. As much as I love running in rather large circles (k ovals), I really love bidding. Basketball court surface is annoying, but that's something I can deal with; all the scars and cuts on my body make me look both tough and tuff, which is a clear +2 to my CHA score. 

Yeah, I used a semicolon. What of it. Probably a run on sentence. What of it.

I am very angry with myself. I ran out of asthma meds at school and didn't consider it a priority. Since then I have went home -- aka the dust.  So,  since I got back from school breathing has been a bit difficult. I just got my meds yesterday, but they take at least a week to really start kicking, so I can't run for a week. That puts me pretty far behind on not being out of shape. Calves/crunches/push ups only do so much.  I'm probably gonna try to run on Monday, something small to see if I can live through it. 

Not that I'm making excuses. Oops.

Not throwing is going to be the worst part of this break. I don't have Tom to text me at 4am to show up in the quad to throw. Hopefully the turf will be melted when we get back so I can give my hands frostbite and throw for a few hours. 

We need to get the team pumped up as soon as possible. We've got a ton of things to work on if we want to think about getting a win at sectionals, and I don't want to waste springtime weather with conditioning. 

I may or may not have recruited someone for next year. Well, she has to get into New Paltz, decide to go here, and then not do Spring track. Easy enough. Although she has no Ultimate experience, apparently she is fast. I'm going to start planning her recruitment weekend tomorrow to insure the latter two.  

As much as I don't want to go to school ever again, I just want to play disc again.

My blagging also gets a lot worse and a lot more repetitive when I'm at home. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agreed, I ran yesterday but only for a little. It sucks, and I really wanna be back up at school only for disc and to get jacked. Honestly, conditioning is gonna kick my ass, but its so ready for an ass kicking you have no idea. If I could, I'd stay here forever just because im gonna miss certain people, but disc and fable, both of which done around the wee hours of the morning is awesome. I miss it so. It's what's going to make going back to school worth it. Oh, and that whole degree thing.

Soon Doober, soon.