Saturday, January 24, 2009


The below post and the previous post have nothing to do with anyone but the top.

It is not Chichester's fault that conditioning is something that is being treated like babysitting, with attendance rules and options that make it easy to get by on minimal effort. Oh, you don't like running? Don't worry, here's 5000 different options to make sure you can get your incredibly difficult two gym visits a week counted for.  Have too much school work? I'm sure you'll be excused to just not go to the gym.  Train different muscles for a different sport and you'll see a vast improvement in your game. 

Oneonta won't call mismatch on you when we're playing them either, they know just how much you don't like running.  They'll say "Oh, this is the team that rock-climbs for conditioning, let's move over to that rock-face over there and continue". I also hear that they're moving Ultimate to more of a Water-Polo type sport, so I guess all the running I had been doing kinda went to waste. Unless you subscribe to the same school of thought that the conditioning captains do, and I'll keep on running for a water-sport.

This, like practice was treated last semester, is not something that you want to put a "You need X practices or else" on. That's the easy way out. That rewards people for showing up and giving minimal effort. That tells people "All you need to do is show up for X practices and you are ready for tournaments." Putting a number of practices or conditionings they need to attend sends the message that once they attend that many, they don't need to go to anymore. They are set. Once Springtime rolls around that will be enough. That's incorrect. It won't be enough. Especially when their twice a week can be Intermural Floor-Hockey practice, which judging by how much conditioning a club sport (us) does, I am baffled at how that counts as conditioning. 

 Don't give them the excuse "Oh I have class so I was excused from practice." No. You didn't go to practice, you didn't work as hard as someone else who did. I registered a month late for classes and the latest I'm out is 420 and the earliest I start is 1050, AND I have two extra days off a week, so it's not like you can't make it work.  When someone doesn't show up for practice, they didn't show up for practice, regardless of the excuse. They missed out on content and conditioning. When you are playing in a tournament, the other team won't say "Whoa Big Red, don't burn that slow kid over there, he had class every Tuesday/Friday and couldn't make it to practice so he doesn't know how to play deep in a zone." No, they'll just burn you all day and we'll be left wondering why we can't stop it. 

I really don't understand how when people claim to know so much about conditioning and working out and they say you're allowed to rock-climb or swim or go to intermural floor-hockey practice instead. I might ask if I can play DotA for conditioning because it conditions my mind to think fast. 

I don't know of an easy solution to figure out who's going that is similar to "X practices a week." Quite frankly, I don't really care. This isn't school. People who want to work will show up. People who don't won't show up. I think I know who I want on the line with me.


The Chichester said...

Doober doesn't fuck around.

Anonymous said...



Swimming sounds fun though, so I'll do that IN ADDITION [not in place] of conditioning.

lol @ oneonta references.

hate big red

my "girlfriend" from the first through fourth grades goes to oneonta and is apparently ALL ABOUT ultimate. irooooonyyyyyy.