We had 6 for Snertz. Well, 8 showed up, but 2 weren't willing to do Snertz.
And we didn't do Snertz.
That's not saying I'm not the type of guy who doesn't enjoy Mini. Fuck, I love it. But switching plans like that last minute due to public outcry is not the type of consistancy we need. I would love for us to plan to play mini twice a week, but I'm really not a fan of last-minute switches like that.
Regardless, it definitely got me amped to play. I fully plan on being the most hungover person alive on Sunday, but I also plan on being the most amped person alive for Mini during Sunday afternoon. There is a reason why the game starts at 6 -- So I can play mini and have plenty of time to rehydrate and unstink in time for the drunken festivites round 2.
Mini went pretty well. David's team cleaned house until Ben showed up, then our team cleaned house until the end of the night when David's team decided to at least make an effort to throw before being stalled out and finished the night on top.
Playing to -2 is crazy, You get two possessions to score if you're getting pulled to, although just scoring one then puts the pressure on the other team to score or lose.
Hammers are too good and need to be outlawed. No wind = full-mini-field-hammers-from-Doober, and that just shouldn't be allowed. It's hard enough to stop an upline cut as is, let alone having to worry about Thor dropping a hammer into the corner.
Stall 5 seems a little short, but I'm not really sure if it's supposed to feel short. It makes it a lot tougher to win if you're getting pulled to, but I guess it balances out with the fact that you can literally huck the field whenever. Tiny enzones balance that out too.
I just read Star City's old Rizzo articles for an hour and a half instead of finishing this. /win
I might go to the gym today, but my calves are saying no. I think I am going to err on the side of caution, especially with me mad dropping the mad cash for indoor on Tuesday. Can't dissappoint my fans with a sub-par performance. It's also the TD's Maiden Voyage.
Fuck conclusions.