Long time no blag.
No running. I suck.
But I can jump really high! I can touch the ceiling fan in my kitchen. Air Alert is legitimate. I have definitely added at least two inches to my vertical.
Literally just realized that I did Air Alert today and I wasn't supposed to. I think the safest option is to do it 4x this week. Either that or do Mon-Tues-Wed. Unsure. Leaning towards the latter.
Absolutely slayed level 2 abs. Perfection until halfway through Double Crunches. Such is life.
Level 2 chest killed me. It feels like I have never seen a bench press before. On the plus side, it will probably make me super strong.
I have found that if I eat when my body tells me to eat, and eat what it tell me to, that I do pretty well. Note that this is different than eating what I want to eat, as that would consist solely of Mountain Dew and Cheez-Itz, but what my body wants to eat. Might not be the greatest way to shed pounds, but boy do I feel jacked.
Pretty sure I actually flipped my sleep schedule back. Haven't slept yet, so we'll see.
Got glasses today, another Chichester visit tomorrow, and back to school on Saturday. An action packed week!